Sometimes, I just wish my house would blow up. Spontaneously combust. Why? That's the only conceivable way my mind sees that it could ever get organized. By being blown to shreds. Millions and millions of pieces, all ready to just be scooped into a dumpster. Seriously. (Granted, it'd be ideal if I could grab a few keepers first - my computer, violin, maybe some pictures and journals - although I'd have to find a place to store and later organize those. My kids and hubby, were they to be home.) If only...
These photos seem to capture life around here of late:
- Ellie's cooking creation of 1/2 bottle of syrup, leftover milk, a freshly made muffin and some almonds
- Abby's word search brought home from school - instructions: find words you know in a magazine (like booby)
- Ellie's afternoon activity (during my attempts at laundry) - unscrewing all the bathroom drawer knobs and lining them up on the counter
- Abby, our overachiever/gold digger, who lost both front teeth this week
- My latest attempts to figure out how my husband thinks. J/k. Adam preparing for bed (at his sleep study)
Abby showing Ellie her lost tooth: "See, there's blood inside teeth. That's what keeps their life cycle going. And did you know, the gums where your tooth fell out store extra food?"
Overhearing Ellie playing with a pony and a babydoll: "'It's time for hibernation.' 'What's hibernation?' 'That's when you get your jammies on. Ohhhh yeah.'"
Abby, while looking at cousin Avery's newborn photos: "Wait, let's go back (to the one of full-length naked Avery in the scale). I'm interested in this. What is that?" Me: "The umbilical cord." Abby: "Tell me about it."
Abby, recounting an incident that happened at school: "..and she said "Abby and Lila, you are ruining my life!" and I said "We are NOT ruining your life.""
Ellie: "Mom, I have a stable on my leg. I have lots of stables on my leg and I'm a little nervous. I want to go in my bed. And look - you have a stable on your forehead."
Abby, after a picnic on our bedroom floor: "Daddy, you need to pick up this food you spilled." Me: "How about if you do it for him? That would be nice." Abby: "Can I pick up his money instead?"
Ellie, while playing animals with Abby (the mommy animal): "Mommy, we need a pillow and a blanket - and here's some courage!"
Abby, coming to me in tears: "Mommy, Ellie pulled my hair." Me: " Did you tell her not to - that that's not nice?" Abby: "I thought about it, (sniffle) and then I kept thinkin' about it (sniffle) and then Ellie thought about it (sniffle) but she pulled my hair and I didn't fight back. Ellie just pulled my pretty hair that I like and it's all messed up."
Ellie's favorite question of late: "Amn't I...?"
Abby: "This mac 'n' cheese is so good I just can't stop eating. I might want five gallons of it."
Abby, explaining the process for making "pinch pots" (her school art project): "First you roll it, then you pinch it, then you fry it, then you color it, then you fry it, then you look at it, then you wait for it to be done."
While muscling through scriptures tonight, we discussed the stripling warriors going into battle. Abby: "What's a battle?" Me: "When people fight each other." Abby: "Oh! You mean when two groups go and they start jammin' in together and fighting up?"
Abby, explaining that her side/elbow hurt: "I think I'm getting infection of my sickness."