We said good-bye to Nana, who kept us all cleaned and fed and loved while Patrick entered the world; Abby finished Kindergarten and immediately assumed the title of "First-grader"; we took our first walk to the park; Cousin Mollie was born - 9 days after Patrick, but 3 weeks early!; after losing 1/2 lb his first week, Patrick gained back 3 1/2 lbs during the following 2 weeks and began his journey as our Chubba Bubba; we celebrated the 4th of July, complete with Abby breaking both bones in her lower right arm after slipping on a blow-up water slide; we got new carpet in the toy room and on the stairs (hooray!); Nana came back up to our house to attend the Hill Cumorah Pageant with us and take everyone but Daddy back to VA with her; Mommy had a great week of relaxation in VA and took Patrick on his first plane ride back to Buffalo; the girls had a super fun time giving Nana and Granddad a run for their money during their second week in VA - a camping trip to Jellystone Park the definite highlight; we were reunited (thanks to Nana's brave flight back with the girls) once again AND...last, but certainly not least, Patrick started to smile!!! (Good thing I take pictures to remind me, eh?)

4th of July spent in downtown Buffalo - and at 3 different medical facilities!
Ellie's idea of "playing" at the park in VA, Abby's idea of camping (flowers encircling the fire pit, wearing a dress - and of course playing with fire), and face/arm painting at Jellystone. Too much fun!!!
And finally, a look at our big boy getting bigger from weeks 2-6:

Abby, watching me scroll through photos on my phone: "Even if you see a picture that you took that you think looks junky, you can't displete it. Except if someone's head is cut in half - then you can displete."
Abby: "When are we going to move to a new house?" Me: "What new house would we move to?" Abby: "We could move to a house in Bah-jinia." Me: "What would Daddy do about work?" Abby: "Well, he could just drive up here."
Me, after picking up the girls at the airport with Nana: "Were you girls well behaved?" Abby: "Yep." Me: "And, if I ask Nana if you were well behaved?" Abby, voice level dropping: "Well, kind of. (quietly)...No."
Abby, while we drove home: "Mom, can we go to the park?" Me: "No. Not right now. I need to go home and organize my life." Abby: "What does 'organize your life' mean?"
Ellie: "Oh yeah - Abby's karate skills are comin' back! Are you ready for the ninja?" (Abby does karate move, resulting in a crash landing.) Ellie: "Nope. Not ready for the ninja."
Me, in response to one of Patrick's explosions: "Uh-oh." Abby: "You can say that again."
Abby: "I have two talents. One is, that I can hear a story and picture it in my mind! The other one is that I can go upside down and still picture the story in my mind."
Ellie, observing me coo over Patrick: "Why do you love him more-ther?"
Ellie, watching me transfer pumped milk into freezer storage bags: "What are you doing with that milk?" Me: "Putting it in the freezer to save." Ellie: "Oh! You're storing it for winter?"
Ellie, listening to me answer the phone when Grammy called: "No - you're supposed to say "Mom" and she's supposed to say "Honey.""
Abby: "Dad, you and me need to have a talk." Adam, caught by surprise: "Ohh. What about?" Abby: "We need to have a talk about saving my money. Mommy said...we need to talk about things we need and things we want." Adam: "Okay...What is something you need?" Abby: "An alarm clock." Adam: "And why do you need an alarm clock?" Abby: "To tell me when to wake up for school. They sell them at Toys R Us in the section by the dolls and I need to buy one."
Abby: "When I grow up I want to be a ninja." Me: "Really? Why a ninja?" Abby: "So I can walk upside-down and on the walls." Me: "I thought you wanted to be a missionary?" Abby: "I want to be both."
Abby, utterly overcome with excitement: "Mom! Ellie has a freckle on her hand JUST LIKE ME!!! That's what she's been waiting for all these years - to be like me - and now she has one!" Ellie: "Look Mom! A freckle like Abby's!" Abby: "Now we are twins in our hearts."
Abby, utterly overcome with excitement: "Mom! Ellie has a freckle on her hand JUST LIKE ME!!! That's what she's been waiting for all these years - to be like me - and now she has one!" Ellie: "Look Mom! A freckle like Abby's!" Abby: "Now we are twins in our hearts."