Wednesday, February 10


I had wandered down the aisle at Home Depot and Ellie shouted, "Mom! Come here so I can see the pimple on your cheek!"

Abby: "Remember when we were so little (making an inch-size with her thumb and pointer finger) and Daddy prayed on our heads with his hands? First it was my turn, then it was Ellie's, then Mommy's. He prayed us on our heads to be a family. Yeah, I remember that."

Abby asked if I would like to hear her song and made me stand at the bottom of the stairs for her concert. In a very high-pitched, though sweet voice she sang (to an improvised melody that at the end had shades of Twinkle): "Revveerreennttly I love this family and I love Mommy and she loves me to be a sister. Daddy prays on our head and we are so happy and Jesus will come into your life, YOUR LIFE, and tweedoumfeedo sallla notum (continue jibberish eight measures) and Lisa and I decided to go on a walk and come home."

Abby, as she's turning off her lamp tonight, "I need to wash my face so I don't get a pimple like you!" (I have ONE pimple on my cheek - the first in a very long time and I'm starting to get a complex!)

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