So... Where were we? Honestly - the more days that pass by without logging our pandemonium, the bigger the blur becomes. But I'll try to recall some of the truly stand-out moments from the last couple of weeks.

You know that feeling that comes with completing a particularly challenging task - more than relief, that sense of "wow! I did it! I actually made it to the end and seeing it all behind me now feels great!"? That's pretty much the emotion her sweet teacher Mrs. Sue communicated as I hugged and thanked her afterward for her work with Abby. "You should be proud," she said. "Abby's come a long way." (ie - that was one long year I spent trying to help Abby realize I am the teacher...) She did follow that up with "This girl's gonna go places." We just hope those places take her on a path more toward competing in the 2024 Olympics than becoming, say, a defending Women's Ultimate Fighting Champion. We'll just have to wait and see.

(Abby and her best friend Lisa, whose skin Abby covets since 'it has no holes where hairs come out')
Beyond that major event, we've just enjoyed the usual goings-on around here. Abby successfully turned a long hair ribbon into hand-cuffs, rendering me bound and at her complete mercy. It was wound and knotted so well, I had to guide her through cutting it -and not my hands - off. Then there was the day Abby ran in, excitedly shouting "Mommy! Come see! I made the United State of America for Family Night!" (aka my just-purchased loaf of bread broken into a thousand pieces which later morphed into "the United States of America crowned with water grenades"). Ellie, for a few nights, took to cuddling with those same water grenades (filled with air) instead of her stuffed animals.
Then there was the day I deep-cleaned the bathroom, only to find, upon finishing, that Abby and Ellie had created a new abode in their trampoline (yes, we are so classy that we keep a trampoline in our living room) complete with every clothing item brought down from their closets and drawers.
My cheeses - crumbled goat, pecorino, shredded mozzarella - keep disappearing from the fridge. Of course I rarely notice until I go to use the cheese for a particular recipe. The first time, I found my precious goat cheese in a toy bin, days after we ate the salad it was to go in. When I needed the missing pecorino, I asked Ellie (who has been known to indulge herself in hiding) if she knew of its whereabouts. "In the toy room." Sure enough - same toy box.
A few days ago Abby found Uncle Michael's wallet that quite inconveniently went missing at the end of his visit, an hour before he had to get on the airplane to return home (the loss of which caused him to miss his flight, necessitate 4 runs to/from the airport and a visit from the local police, as a police report declaring the wallet stolen was the only way they would let him onto a plane). Apparently Abby had put it inside her make-up box to give to Uncle Michael for a present to take home. She forgot.
I, myself, had a few winner moments/days. Like the one where the best dinner I could come up with was frozen tortellini in Campbell's tomato soup. Abby's dramatic response left me wondering why I try any other day: "Mom, this is delicious. It is soooo awesome. I love it." Then there was the night my friend Shannon asked me to make some lemon-meringue souffles baked inside of lemons for a baby shower she hosted. Everything in the 2-hour process went fine until I filled the lemons, made the call for her to pre-heat the oven and put the pan of lemons on top of the Jeep so I could open the door (rushing, of course, since I was late). I opened the door and DOWN they went - cascading off, spewing meringue filling across the driveway and all over the passenger seat. The "uh, no need to preheat the oven anymore" call quickly followed. So much for that endeavor.
I really could go on and on. I think, though, that I'll sum it all up by recounting an episode from our drive through Ohio Amish country yesterday (while on our way to Kirtland to meet Nana and Granddad who have so graciously offered to take the girls and give Adam and me a few days of much-needed repose). While passing horse-drawn buggy after horse-drawn buggy, Abby asked "why do they drive those?" I explained, while seriously considering joining the Amish community, that they want to live a simple way of life. "What does simple mean?" "Slow and calm..." "Why do they want to be calm?"
Me: "Girls, what would you like for breakfast? Eggs or french toast?" Ellie: "French toes. Toes are fun to eat."
Adam took the girls to the park and Ellie steered the pirate ship. Ellie: "I'm going to my other mommy's house." A: "Why are you going to your other mommy's house?" E: "Because she lets me eat m&ms and the house is made of cookies and she lets us eat the house."
Abby finished her bbq chicken and gave a big swipe of her hands down the front of her dress. Me: "Abigail, is that how we wipe our hands off?" "Mom - this is a staining dress, remember? It's just for staining!"
We had tuna melts for dinner, grilled on the panini press. After finishing her first half, Ellie asked: "Mom, can I have another girl sandwich?"
I asked the girls what fun things they want to do this summer. Abby: "I know! I know! This is your very most favorite thing that you love. Clean the house!"
The girls dumped out a basket full of My Little Ponies. Ellie: "Are the sweeties okay?? Are the sweeties okay?" Abby: "The children are fine."
Ellie sat up to the table for breakfast. E: "So, Mom. What do you want to do today?" Me: "Well, would you like to go to BJ's and get some gummy vitamins?" E: "That's exactly what I want do !"
I took the (freshly cleaned) blender out from the cupboard. Abby: "You haven't washed that in months.
I told the girls we needed to go to the library. Abby: "Oh, we don't want to go. You can just go. We can take care of ourselves, right Ellie?" E: "Yeah." A: "Go ahead, Mom. We'll stay here and clean up the house after we watch Diego."
30 minutes after the above quote, I walked back into the room where Abby and Ellie were playing. Abby, puzzled: "I thought you went to the library."
Abby, playing: "She said I am impossible because I made the best cake ever."
Abby: "Mom! I washed off the marker on the new paint." Me: "Oh...yeah? How?" A: "I licked my hand with my germs and wiped it on the marker. And it came off."
The girls were playing with My Little Ponies: Abby: "I have to go to the forest." Ellie: "I'll come too, so you don't get lost." A: "I won't get lost. I have good eyesight and paddy feet." E: "But I have to help you find the Pygmy Marmoset in the prickly farm!"