I should have realized he wasn't going to be in any hurry to actually join us, though. Having developed his little ears while being assaulted by the shrieks and squeals of his older sisters (and occasionally his mom) through 9+ months, I understand why he just held on as long as he could inside his nice and cozy, muffled waterbed. In fact, he probably rejoiced at hearing the nurse tell me 3 hours into what was supposed to have been my induction, that it had been cancelled (too many other mommies-to-be in actual labor and no spare beds) and we'd need to come back two days later. He was in no rush. But I was. I just wanted to see this little guy. And kiss him. And nuzzle him and feel his teeny tiny body stretch and flop and curl into a ball of wonder in my arms.
So, I guess when the time came (after a fairly "easy" 9-hr labor), he realized I meant business and was determined to win the wait-out. Before the Dr. made it back into the room and after a few short pushes, Patrick David made his earthly debut. June 14, 8:32 pm - 8 lbs 5 oz, 20 3/4 inches, with "just enough" dark hair and eyebrows, screaming his little heart out and cute as a button.
He's made it marvelously through his first week. A sleeper, eater and pooper who indeed stretches and flops (he's rolled over twice while protesting diaper changes wildly with legs swinging) and curls into the sweetest ball of wonder these arms have held since my last butterball of wonder 4 years ago. He's precious. He's my guy. I'm totally and utterly smitten. (As are his daddy and two mommy sisters.) He was so very totally worth the wait. And so, I give you... a glimpse at little Patrick's first week of life:

- A little note of encouragement Abby left in my hospital bag.
The beginning of the end... -
- Patrick's first glimpse of his Momma Could a dad look more excited to hold his first son? -
- Sisters meet Brother
Taking in his new world -
- Settling down for his first night
We did it! -
- Go Irish!(?) (Future QB? Size comparison? Oh, Daddy) Ellie's twin -
- Big sis #1
Big sis #2 -
- A tad apprehensive about going home. Not sure why. And we're off! -

- Snuggly in his Woombie Dreaming -

- Cutest frog ever
Out like a trout -
- Brother/Sister bonding time Snuggle Bug -

Me, wondering why Patrick showed no intention of coming: "Maybe baby brother is just too buoyant inside my belly." Ellie: "Buoyancy means to keep it afloat."
Abby, while once again making her "healthy pink drink recipe" that she made for our dinner last week: "Where is the thing that takes off the apple skins? Last time I just had to use my teeth."
Ellie, approaching me very seriously with a clipboard and paper: "Schedule # 12: babies can't eat, babies can't drink and babies can't change their own diapers."
Abby: "Mom, when am I going to have a baby?" Me: "In lots of years when you grow up and meet someone and fall in love." Abby: "But I don't know how to fall in love." Me: "Oh, you'll learn when you're older." Abby: "Well, I am in love with Nathan Morse." Me: "Oh, really? How do you know you're in love with him?" Abby: "Well, he's just a really good kid and my friend and I love him." Later...: "So, when I marry Nathan, what will my last name be?" Me: "If you marry Nathan then you'll be Abigail Morse." Abby: "Abigail Morse. (Shy smile and little laugh.) I like it."
Ahh- I just love that little guy. I love all of you and I'm so happy you put the pictures on.
ReplyDeleteHe is so perfect!
So sweet! Congratulations, Alison!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I'm so happy for the wonderful addition you have to your family now! Patrick is beyond adorable. And I love Abby's note to you, how cute is that?
ReplyDeleteOH my gosh, Pitty pat is so cute I can't stand it. And "Abigail Morse" hahha! Cutest family ever.