Stated simply, I was not in a good place. And so, having become rather overwhelmed by the state of my inner house, I decided to focus my efforts on the outside. Remember my washer/dryer-turned-nursery from, oh, March? Well, I decided to live on the wild side and plant the seedlings that actually survived to plant-hood a whole 2 weeks early. Tradition holds that in Buffalo, one doesn't plant before Memorial Day, as the risk of frost extends until then. But...hey. Everything went fine until a doe rabbit decided to hop the chicken wire and...miscarry? in my cucumber section. Seriously??? Nonetheless, I plugged on, the gardens were planted, Abby and Ellie collected an entire "worm family" as new pets, and I then decided to pull weeds in the flower beds in order to further avoid cleaning my house.
Now, I suppose one could look at the state of my flower beds in various ways. For one, they show what great potential for growth Buffalo offers its flora and fauna - weeds included. Another...well...they suggest pretty plainly that I have one serious dandelion problem.
Yes, those are dandelions. So, I weeded. For hours. With my $7 dandelion trowel. However, continuing to face the monstrosity of the weeds that have overtaken my flower beds became just too daunting. So, instead of facing them again, I decided to clean house. The inside.
We're not ready for the home show, but I got a good three rooms in this morning. I've put the brakes on LOST. AND, inspired by what I hope will flourish into many many vegetables in those garden beds (okay, and seeing that blasted photo), I've started a healthful eating plan that has been deliciously satisfying. Recipes shared upon request.
You know, you just can't underestimate the value of falling off the wagon and hopping back on. (Over and over and over, in my case.) For now all that really matters is that I've re-found myself - in a pretty good place.
Abby: "Everyone else's houses are not messy. Just ours."
Abby: "I found Ariel, Mom! The Little Wormaid!"
Me: "Oh no! That bird is in our garden." Ellie: "We need to make a stop sign for the birds."
Abby handed me a drawing. "Here you go, Mom. It's an agenda."
Ellie: "I'm not nevuh nevuh going to bed."
Me, stroking Abby's hair as she drifts off to sleep: "Abby, I love you. I know sometimes I get grumpy and it might not seem like I do, but I love you." A: "I know. And I make you calm."
Abby: "I don't know how to say rediclius. I try and try and try and try and I never can say rediclius."
Abby: "Today at school we had a dentist hygenal come!"
Ellie, running in from the backyard after Abby: "Hey Ab! Wait up, Ab!"
Abby, trying to get Ellie's attention in the car: "Ellie!! (x8)" Me: "Abby, she's not responding, so give her a minute." Abby: "Ellllllie!" Ellie, stoically looking out her window: "Abby, I'm not e-sponding. I nevuh nevuh nevuh am sponding."