Monday, May 3

Wishing Upon a Star

We're back.   It's over - even if I refuse to allow myself to accept the fact.  5 days home and the suitcases are still at the back door where we sat them when we walked in, albeit exploded all over the place.  (As justification, I offer that our new washer was supposed to be delivered last Wed and I refuse to use our leaky one ever again. Chances are everything will stay there until tomorrow, when they say the washer will come.)

We had a crazy fun time at Disney - perhaps more crazy than fun at times, with my two "princesses" who didn't think they should have to be subjected to wait times in line, nor any rule for that matter while on Disney property.  In fact, it seemed oddly as if Melificent and Ursula and all the wicked step-mothers beckoned Abby and Ellie to them even before we entered the gates some days.  But, even considering the lines and crowds and heat and altered sleep patterns (none of which the girls do very well with singly, to say nothing of all factors put together) we managed to have a very fun trip.  Thank heavens Nana and Granddad and Aunt Vicki and Granny and Uncles Dave and Brad and Aunt Jen and Cousin Cole were all there to help us have so much fun.

Here's a little peek at some of our favorite memories:

Aunt Vicki saved us all by patiently toting Abby around Disney on her scooter.  We cannot thank her enough for that!

Our waiting spot for the shuttle outside the "ho and tell" in the mornings.

Little bathing beauty would have spent every day at the pool if we'd have let her.  This photo just after a yummy lunch.

Keeping the girls out of fountains was worse than trying to get them to smile for pictures.  Of course Abby was usually fishing out all of the money... This particular fountain (not the "lost and fountain" where Ellie was determined we could find Abby's lost kitty) was in Morocco in "Apricot" (aka Epcot).

One of the more exciting meet and greets, with Belle and "Beauty and the Beast," as Ellie refers to the Beast. (She would have nothing to do with him, though, and only consented to stand in the photo on the far side of Belle.)

 Thankfully Daddy was able to join us for the last few days.  We got one last shot before bidding Disney a final farewell.

So, it is now all a memory.  Hard to believe it has come and gone.  And perhaps my subconscious refusal to accept it being over has something to do with the mayhem that seemed to pick up as soon as we walked back into this home.

One morning Ellie decided to check out my aged balsamic, which spilled down each shelf, the cupboard door and splattered all over the wheat grinder.  I admit to being slightly amused by Ellie's attempts to cover up the mess - the pudding box and nail polish almost doing the trick.

While replenishing the groceries, I was lured into buying Nilla Wafers with the free bunch of bananas that came with.  Neither lasted long.  I found Abby's spread atop her bed later that day.

And so, here we are.  Plugging away with dreams of another get-away.  Any suggestions?


Abby's prayer: "...Thank thee for all the things.  Please bless me so I can give Mom sweet hugs and be her helper and give her all the things she needs...Amen.  Oh, one more thing - Please bless when Ellie is doing bad things and she says all the stupid words and she calls me a tattle-tale and she will go to time out...Amen"

Bracing myself for a moment of truth, I asked the girls if I am a nice mom.  Abby: "Yes.  Especially when you burp." 

Abby: "I want a milkshake tonight." Adam: "Okay, how do you earn a milkshake?" Abby: "By being very respectrubble of you parents and saying nice things.  Really, I don't want to earn one.  I just want it."

On our way home from dinner tonight, Abby: "Mom! Ellie's eating money!" Adam: "Ellie, spit it out - 1,2,3" (She spits out some small black object.) Abby: "What is that?"  Ellie: "I don't know. I found it on the road."

Heading in the door with their milkshakes, Abby raced to be first into the kitchen. "I get the tallest chair...I mean, I get the cleanest chair!"

Ellie, sobbing in her bed: "Daddy hurted my feelings." Me, "What happened? E: "I don't know."

The girls and I pulled up to Chipotle for some lunch and I could see the line almost out the door.  As we walked in, I gave them a stern talking to: "Girls, the line is super long.  You stay by Mommy, no funny business, no getting out of line, no shenanigans. Do you hear me?" Abby: "Oh yes Mom. We NEVER do those things."

Abby: "Do you like my cool drawing?"  Me: "Yeah - what is it?"  "It's a fish container mix."

Nana called while we were eating dinner and asked what we were having. Abby: "Noodles." Nana: "You always eat noodles!" A: "No. Just sometimes." N: "What else do you eat besides noodles?" A: "Macaroni and Cheese."

Abby decided it was her turn (surprise) to say the prayer this morning.  After the requisite "thank thee for this day" and "please bless the food" I interjected "please help us to love each other." She took the bait, pausing at first.  Then I tried "please bless Daddy at work."  Abby, in a forceful whisper: "Everybody's prayers are different!!"

In attempts to reprimand Ellie for being aggressive in word and deed, I put her in her room.  Abby, sitting right at Ellie's door as I shut it, looked up and with a smile said: "Good work Mom."


  1. The picture of Ellie in her swimsuit is my new backdrop. Too cute!!!

  2. Al, you look like you got a lot of sun! That picture of Ellie in her swimsuit is SO cute too!!!

  3. I love that Abby didn't want to earn a milkshake, she just wanted it :) so funny.
