Why don't I clean my house? Well, because THIS is what happens when I attempt to excuse myself for oh, an hour, to attack at least one of the issues confounding my home:

Nice. The child knows what paper is, believe me. However, she must have my memory because time after time after time - all reprimands aside, she seems to forget our rule of NOT WRITING ON BODIES OR FURNITURE OR WALLS OR TOYS OR THE INSIDE OF CLOTH CLOTHES HAMPERS WHILE SITTING IN THEM! (Which is where she completed this project.)
Okay - so she's two. Some of this is to be expected. Abby took part in completing her fair share of destruction. But she seemed to pick up on the whole "don't do this again OR ELSE" response to her havoc a little more readily than Ellie is. Wait, did I just say that? It was Abby who came up this afternoon and offered me a "tasty treat" while I feverishly sorted piles of junk in the computer room: "Mom! You've got to try this tasty treat I made! It's so good." The second she pulled it from behind her back, the word burned through my brain. SERIOUSLY?? "It's a tomato dipped in hot chocolate powder!" Not that I was terribly averse to her particular combination, it was the picture in my mind of how Abby had come up with this delectable duet. Minutes later, my suspicions were confirmed:
Nope. Not one tomato dipped in hot chocolate powder. The whole QUART of cherry tomatoes doused with the entire canister of hot chocolate powder, the excess of which is now piled under and brushed and skidded from beneath the tomatoes across the kitchen floor.
Why don't I clean my house? To apply what Adam has taught me about cost/benefit analysis: The benefits RARELY seem to outweigh the cost.
ALISON!!!! I love the image of Abby giving this to you, and your face. I think you need a nanny. Full time, expert aunt jordan nanny to tickle those girls all day long. Love this