The girls had a blast resuming their favorite warm weather activity - digging. Abby, in attempts to "wash the mud off" her foot, buried it in garden soil.

After planting the lettuce, I turned around to find Ellie "making snow angels" in the dirt.
And both girls had fun "planting" all sorts of decomposed roots and stems that didn't quite make it to the curb with the other garden refuse in the Fall.
Ellie, while walking into church: "Daddy, where is the sun?" "It's hiding behind the clouds." "But, I thought today was Sunday."
Ellie: "Mom, I love your serious garden! I have a serious garden too."
Abby, while digging in the garden bed: "Ellie! Stop! You're going to ruin my termite field!"
Ellie, watching me transplant my seedlings: "Why do you have so many fantastic seed plants?"
Abby: "Mom, look at my secret garden (a hole in the dirt). I have alive plants and killed plants and big ones and small ones."
We had lunch outside in the gazebo. Ellie: "I know! Let's have a picnic with Uncle Michael and Uncle Matt in the bumbwella!" (umbrella) Abby: "We made all the whole world happy with our lunch day."
Abby: "I got this kitty for being so brave when I got my tonsils out." Ellie: "Remember when I was bigger I was grave and got two kitties to get my tonsils out?"
Me: "Abby please go pee so we can leave." A: "I can't. It's stuck for March. It'll come in April."
Abby: "Hot peppers are so so spicy and girls don't want to eat them." Ellie: "Yeah. We don't cut our hands off."
Who taught Ellie how to do snow angels? It is so funny, she loves to do them everywhere...on the carpet when we are skyping, in the garden. So Cute!